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Letter regarding the possible exhibition of a Gilley piece in the Spirits and Nature Exhibition organized by Steven Rockefeller and held at Middlebury College. The piece was a carved and painted group of eiders made in 1970. Color slide transparency enclosed with letter
The letter writer is asking for more information on Wendell Gilley after watching a Boston television program profiling him. She also mentions owning a Gilley carving of a mallard pair.
Letter thanking Wendell Gilley for the loan of his carvings for the exhibit Downeast Bird Carvings by Wendell Gilley held at the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Oct. 29, 1976 through Jan. 7, 1977
Describes Wendell Gilley's visit to Herkimer New York where in 1967 Fenner invited him to be guest speaker at the National Woodcarvers Association Woodcarving Show held there. This letter is accompanied by photos of Wendell Gillley at the show.
This letter describes three birds (a bobwhite, a yellowlegs, and a gull) carved by Wendell Gilley and owned by the letter writer, Isabel Thacher.
Letter describes Mr. Silver's visit to Elmer Crowell's workshop where he purchased several miniature bird carvings, and his subsequent visit to Wendell Gilley's workshop. Enclosed are photographs of a greater yellowlegs and a duck carved by Crowell. Silver also describes Wendell Gilley's trip to Abercrombie and Fitch where he was inspired to start bird carving.
Contains instructions for making changes to Gilley's book The Art of Bird Carving for a new edition.
Cheever writes that he has received the materials for Gilley's book and that he read the new chapter on decoys and thought it was well done. He also talks about meeting carver Harold Haertel in Chicago at a meeting of decoy collectors.
Letter typed on Kansas City Star letterhead from Executive Editor Clarence G. Wellington thanking Wendell Gilley for carved birds sent on behalf of Frank S. Land.
This letter acknowledges receipt of a letter and chisel from Gilley, and discusses various carvings including a spotted sandpiper on a mussel shell and two pairs of quail
This letter discusses correspondence between Wendell Gilley and Byron Cheever, author and magazine publisher, about Gilley's book. The author of the letter makes suggestions about paper and cover art and discusses copyright.
Letter discusses sending text, artwork, and photos for the book, Art of Bird Carving, to Byron Cheever. Flying goose, bob-white and blue quail carvings are also mentioned.
Note from O'Brien included with a copy of a letter from Byron Cheever. O'Brien mentions having been asked by Peggy Rockefeller if Gilley would sell her a flock of geese.
This letter thanks Gilley for sending a vise. O'Brien also encloses correspondence with Byron Cheever about publishing Gilley's book.
Letter describing O'Brien's sailing trip around Buckle Island, Swans Island and others and the eiders and ospreys he saw. This letter also mentions Gilley's idea for a museum.
Letter describing the making of 36 duck decoys.. O'brien also mentions picking up a finished woodcock from Gilley.
O'Brien acknowledges receipt of a spotted sandpiper carving from Gilley and discusses a handle Gillely designed for an X-Acto blade as well as decoy designs.
Thank you letter for a gift of a carved pair of ruffed grouse
Letter discusses publishing Gilley's book in a limited edition as well as including a photograph of Gilley with an osprey as an insert. It also mentions a carving of an owl and another of a bobwhite quail on a hatchet.
Thank you letter from the Governor of California thanking Wendell Gilley for a carving of a quail, which he placed on his desk in the Governor's Mansion.
Letter typed on FBI letterhead and signed by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover in gold ink thanking Wendell Gilley for the gift of carved bobwhites sent on behalf of Frank S. Land.
Lemuel T. Ward, the noted decoy carver, wrote this letter to Wendell Gilley after meeting him at an unnamed carving show
Letter accompanying a photograph of the Bostitch Company lobby where Wendell Gilley's carving of terns were on display
This letter asks Gilley to repair one of a pair of herons that was damaged in a move.
Juvenile standing with wings raised on branch, adult standing on base ; signed "Gilley" on right rear corner of base ; no date