76 - 100 of 632 results
Accession # Identifier Title Type Subject
  • 20.01.065
1307Black Duck, Male
  • Carving
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Male, preening ; signed "Gilley" on rear of base ; stamped "Wendell H. Gilley" on underside of base
  • 81.1.76
1084Black Duck, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, 1/4 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/4 life size; pair mounted on driftwood base, lower duck has head turned around right shoulder, upper duck's head turned slightly left, neck withdrawn; both with glass eyes, painted detail, lead feet. Signed, dated, marked "Black duck for Addie Gilley by W.H. Gilley, 1974" on underside of base.
  • 20.01.087
1332Black Duck, Pair
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Flat bottom, swimming, appear to have been once attached to something, no signature or date
  • 81.6.1
1243Black-backed Gull
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Signed "Gilley" on base. No date
  • 20.01.005
1244Black-backed Gull
  • Carving
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Swimming; made of balsa wood. Signed "W. Gilley" on bottom. No. date
  • 81.1.62
1070Black-capped Chickadee
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; perched sideways on twig, mounted on carved wooden base, beak open; glass eyes, wire legs and feet. Signed "Gilley" on right front of base as well as underside of base. Marked "Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.63
1071Black-capped Chickadee
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Life size; clinging to twig in characteristic upside-down position, twig screwed to shaped wooden base; pinhead eyes, wire legs and feet, detail in color and relief; Signed "Gilley '73." Marked "Chickadee for Addie Gilley, 1973" on underside.
  • 89.3.19
1263Black-capped Chickadee
  • Carving, 1/2 Life-size
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Smooth oval pine disc base with gnarled driftwood root ; midway up the driftwood is mounted the bird, carved in characteristic seed-opening position with tail braced downward and bill pointed at ground ; glass eyes, wire legs, and metal feet grasping "branch." Signed "Gilley" on top edge of base. No date
1537Black-capped Chickadee
  • Carving
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Chickadee with head down perched on driftwood branch attached to carved oval wooden base ; glass eyes, wire legs and feet ; signed "Gilley" on rear left of base ; no date visible
  • 81.3.1
1275Black-capped Chickadee Pair
  • Carving, Pair, Almost Life-size
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Two chickadees, near life size, on driftwood, both with glass eyes, metal legs and feet, carved and painted detail ; both upright, left chickadee has head down. Signed, dated on rear of base "Gilley '58".
1536Black-capped Chickadee Pair
  • Carving, Pair
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Two Chickadees mounted on driftwood branch attached to carved wooden base ; upper bird is upside down, lower bird faces out from branch ; glass eyes, wire legs and feet ; no visible date ; signed "Gilley" on rear of base.
  • 89.3.9
1466Blue Jay with Acorn
  • Carving, 3/4 Life-size
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Blue jay with real acorn in its beak perched on driftwood branch on oval base ; wire and metal legs and feet ; glass eyes ; signed "Gilley" on front of base ; no date
  • 20.01.091
1336Blue-winged Teal
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Signed "by W.H. Gillely" on underside of base
  • 91.01.05
1405Blue-winged Teal, Female
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Has black A.E. Crowell & Son label on underside of base. Label marked "Fe. Blue Teal"
  • 81.1.86
1093Blue-winged Teal, Male
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; drake mounted on burned driftwood base, head turned left, beak down; glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley '74" on left side of base, marked "Blue-winged Teal by W.G. Gilley, 1974, made for Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 91.01.04
1404Blue-winged Teal, Male
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Has black A.E. Crowell & Son label on underside of base. Label marked "Blue Teal"
1422Blue-winged Teal, Pair
  • Image, Photograph
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Photograph of a pair of blue-winged teal carved by Wendell Gilley. Marked "Sec. of Treas. Robert Anderson 1958" on reverse.
  • 81.1.22
  • Carving
  • Birds
Life size adult ; perched on twig, mounted on carved oblong base; glass eyes, metal legs and feet, upright posture, head turned slightly to left. Signed “Gilley ’76” on rear end of base. Some blue paint on base; underside marked “11;” Phillips head screw attaching base to twig.
  • 81.1.23
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; perched in downward stance on twig attached to carved wooden oblong base ; glass eyes, metal feet/legs ; blue paint partially rubbed off of head, back, and sides to give natural effect. Signed: "Gilley '76" on right side of base. Underside numbered "5."
  • 81.1.25
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; mounted on pear-shaped carved wooden base, perched sideways on branch, head turned forward; glass eyes. Signed "Gilley '76" on lower right. Underside marked: "Blue Bird by W.H Gilley 1976, 15."
  • 81.1.24
  • Carving
  • Birds
Life size adult in semi-upright stance, perched on twig attached to pear-shaped carved wooden base; glass eyes, has "observant look" ; metal legs/feet ; painted detail. Signed on base: "Gilley, '76." Underside marked: "Addie Gilley, 1976, 10."
  • 81.1.27
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size, slightly oversized; perched on twig, mounted on carved oblong wooden base, horizontal stand, facing forward; glass eyes. Signed: "Gilley, '76" on right side of base, number 4 of 16. Underside marked "4 Addie Gilley."
  • 81.1.26 (81.1.27 on piece)
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; horizontal stand, perched with one foot in crotch of twig, one up on branch, twig mounted in oblong mound, carved wooden base. Signed "Gilley '76" on lower right of base, underside marked: "Bluebird by Wendell Gilley, 1976, 7."
  • 89.3.22
  • Carving, Almost Life-size
  • Carvings
  • Birds
Adult male Eastern bluebird ; ovoid pine base with multi-twigged branch rising from off-center; narrow-bodied bird sits on a lower twig, head turned to left and slightly raised ; glass eyes, metal feet, no visible legs. Inscribed: "Bluebird by Wendell Gilley for Harold and Gladys Townsend Xmas 1976" on underside of base
  • 89.3.6
1305Bluebird, Pair
  • Carving, Multiple Birds, Miniatures
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Adult male and female mounted on pine and twig base, the lower bird (female) in downward crouching position, the male perched on lower fork of twig ; wire legs and metal feet, glass eyes ; signed "Gilley" on carved base.