101 - 125 of 632 results
Accession # Identifier Title Type Subject
  • 81.1.161
  • Carving, Multiple Birds, Life-size
  • Birds
Almost life size; three flying adults attached by wires from male's (center bird) feet to driftwood piece attached to oblong carved wooden base; base has metal grass, two additional pieces of driftwood, touches of green paint. Birds attached to each other with wire, upper female attached to male by hole beneath tail, lower female attached to male by wire from left wing, all birds with glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on side of driftwood stump. Marked "Bob White by W.H. Gilley, 1974" on underside of base. [show more]
  • 99.3.2
  • Carving
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Underside of base inscribed "Bob White by W. H. Gilley 1974 ; Made for the 'Cheevers'" ; artist's stamp on underside of base.
  • Image, Photograph
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Photograph of an interior showing a grouping of bobwhite quail carved by Wendell Gilley mounted over a fireplace .
  • Image, Photograph
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Single bobwhite quail carved by Wendell Gilley that is part of group shown mounted over a fireplace in another photograph.
  • Image, Photograph
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Partial view of a group of bobwhite quail carved by Wendell Gillley shown mounted over a fireplace in another photograph.
1520Bobwhite Quail
  • Image, Photograph
  • Carvings
  • Birds
Black and white photograph of three flying bobwhite quail
  • 81.1.72
1080Bobwhite Quail Hen with Six Chicks
  • Carving, Multiple Birds, Miniatures
  • Birds
Miniature adult and six young mounted on driftwood; a very animated piece: the hen looking down at the three chicks in front of her, the three others are exploring behind her; one chick is standing upright with tiny wings outstretched; adult has pinhead eyes; all birds have painted plumage detail, wire legs and feet. Signed "Gilley" on right rear of base. Marked and dated "Made by W.H. Gilley, Addie Gilley, Dec. 1960" on underside of base. [show more]
  • 81.1.2
1037Bobwhite Quail, Male
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; legs set into carved, brown mound base; glass eyes, painted feet and detail. Marked "Addie Gilley, Bob White by W.H. Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.78
1086Bobwhite Quail, Male
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; mounted on carved mound base, standing erect, facing forward; glass eyes, wire legs, sheet metal feet, carved and painted detail. Unmarked.
  • 81.1.7
1042Bobwhite Quail, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniatures; mounted on carved, oblong, brown mound base, male stands upright on "log" attached to main base and has carved feet, female stands on main base, head down as if herding young, legs set into base, painted feet; glass eyes, painted plumage. Signed and dated "7/16/45, Bob White by W.H. Gilley," "Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.77
1085Bobwhite Quail, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; pair mounted on driftwood base, male stands erect on right, female squats on left, head toward ground; both have glass eyes, wire feet and legs, painted detail. Unsigned, unmarked.
  • 81.1.143
1138Bobwhite Quail, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult male and female , male perched on carved ax set in stump, female perched on stump; glass eyes, metal feet, realistic carved and painted detail. Signed "Gilley '72" on top back of ax handle.
  • 20.01.104
1349Bobwhite Quail, Pair
  • Carving
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Signed "Gilley" on front left of base ; no date
1516Bobwhite Quail, Pair
  • Image, Photograph
  • Carvings
  • Birds
Black and white photograph labeled: " Wendell Gilley - Quail (Bobwhite)" on reverse
1572Bobwhite Quail, Pair
  • Carving, Pair
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Glass eyes, wire legs and feet, carved and painted detail. Mounted on driftwood base. Signed "Gilley" on right rear of base, no date
1005Bragdon - Addie (Bragdon) Gilley (1905-1983)
  • Reference
  • People
Addie Gilley’s created an outstanding collection of her husband’s work. The carvings that Addie so wisely saved over the years became the core of the Museum’s permanent collection. Wendell and Addie were the guests of honor at the opening of the Gilley Museum on July 12, 1981. They remained active in the museum until their deaths a few months apart in 1983.
  • 91.01.07
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Has black A.E. Crowell & Son label on underside of base.
  • 22.04.06
1611Brief bird biographies : a guide to birds through habitat associations.
  • Publication, Book
  • Birds
Published by Grosset & Dunlap
  • 81.1.117
1122Brown Pelican
  • Carving, 1/5 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/5 life size; adult on driftwood stump attached to carved oblong base, standing on toes, wings raised over head, head turned slightly to right; glass eyes, carved, burned and painted detail. Unsigned.
  • 81.1.121
1126Brown Pelican
  • Carving, 1/4 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/4 life size; adult on shaped wooden "pier" attached to round, flat wooden base, standing, head raised, two fish hanging out of bill; glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on front of base, stamped "Wendell H. Gilley, Southwest Harbor, ME 04679" on underside of base. Marked "Addie Gilley, xmas 1975."
  • 81.1.122
1127Brown Pelican
  • Carving, 1/4 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/4 life size; adult on shaped wooden "pier" attached to circular, flat wooden base, standing, facing forward, head and beak vertical; glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "by Wendell Gilley," marked "Addie Gilley, Xmas 1975" on underside of base. Companion piece no. 81.1.21.
  • 96.2.3
1458Brown pelican
  • Carving, 1/5 Life-size
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Adult male in breeding plumage depicted on a wooden piling attached to egg-shaped pine base ; cast lead legs and feet, glass eyes ; signed "Gilley '75" on front of base. Underside of base marked: "Hilda and Hulda Bragdon, 1975" and signed "by Wendell Gilley"
  • 20.01.054
  • Carving
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Stamped "Gilley" and dated on underside.
  • 89.3.8
  • Carving, 1/3 Life-size
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Male bufflehead in adult plumage, swimming position ; head withdrawn and turned slightly to the left ; glass eyes, matte black, white, greys with minimal body detail ; blending of red/orange on head behind white wedge. Underside signed in pyrographic scratching "W.H.G." "Gilley" branded in script. Also written in felt-tip pen " '82 Buffle-Head".
  • Image, Photograph
  • Carvings
  • Birds
Black and white photograph labeled: "Wendell Gilley - Bufflehead" on reverse