1 - 25 of 38 results
You searched for: Type: is exactly 'Publication, Book'
Accession # Identifier Title Type Subject
  • 2024.05.01
1645Shang : a biography of Charles E. Wheeler
  • Publication, Book
  • Carvings
  • People
Published: Spanish Fork, Utah : Hillcrest Publications, c1984 Inscription to the museum by the author on half title page.
  • 2024.02.08
1644Wildlife in wood
  • Publication, Book
  • Birds
  • Carvings
  • Other, Literature
Published : Chillicothe, Ill. : Model Technology. Inscribed by the author "To Wendell Gilley, with best wishes to one of the pioneers in this field. We have all benefited from your efforts."
  • 2024.02.09
1643How to make working decoys
  • Publication, Book
  • Birds
  • Carvings
  • Other, Literature
Published: New York : Winchester Press. Page 69 is signed by Frank C. Wilson, a Massachusetts decoy carver who is featured in the book. Wilson's work was for sale in the Wendell Gilley Museum shop.
  • 2024.01.07
1642Want to carve a duck? : a beginner's guide
  • Publication, Book
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Published: Southwest Harbor, Maine : Publisher's Northeast. Inscription to Nina Gormley by the author on title page.
  • 2023.10.23
1641A question of balance
  • Publication, Book
  • Animals
  • Birds
  • Events, Exhibitions
Published by Raymond F. Evans Sporting Art Gallery, Albany Museum of Art, Albany, Georgia
  • 23.10.202
1640The artist's Mount Desert : American painters on the Maine Coast
  • Publication, Book
  • People
  • Places, Island
Published by Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.
  • 23.10.20
1639The traveling artist : a visual journal
  • Publication, Book
  • People
Published by G Editions, New York
  • 2023.09.24
1638Game bird carving
  • Publication, Book
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Published: New York : Winchester Press. Inscription to Wendell Gilley by the author on half title page.
  • 23.08.02
1637Drawing nature
  • Publication, Book
  • Nature
  • Other, Literature
Published by North Light Books, Cincinnati, Ohio. Signed by the author and dated "23 September 2018"
  • 23.08.01
1636The Art of Dahlov Ipcar
  • Publication, Book
  • People
Published by Down East, c2010. Half title page signed by the artist. Title page signed by the author.
  • 2023.08.15
1635Beyond the spring : Cordelia Stanwood of Birdsacre.
  • Publication, Book
  • People
  • Birds
Published: Lamoine, Maine : Latona Press, 1978. Inscription to Wendell Gilley by the author on half title page.
  • 2023.08.02
1634Birds in wood and paint : American miniature bird carvings and their carvers, 1900-1970
  • Publication, Book
  • Birds
  • Carvings
  • People
Published: Lebanon, N.H. : University Press of New England, c2009. Inscription to Nina Gormley, Museum Director, by the author on half title page.
  • 22.04.24
1629Bird-life : a guide to the study of our common birds
  • Publication, Book
  • Birds
By Frank M. Chapman with seventy-five full-page colored plates after drawings by Ernest Thompson Seton. Published by D. Appleton.
  • 22.04.23
1628Handbook of birds of eastern North America : with introductory chapters on the study of birds in nature
  • Publication, Book
  • Birds
By Frank M. Chapman, with full-page plates in colors and black and white by Louis Agassiz Fuertes. Revised edition. Published by D. Appleton and Co. Maps on end papers.
  • 22.04.22
1627Audubon water bird guide : water, game and large land birds : eastern and central North America from southern Texas to central Greenland
  • Publication, Book
  • Birds
By Richard H. Pough, color illustrations by Don Eckelberry, line drawings by Earl L. Poole. Maps on end papers. Sponsored by the National Audubon Society. Published by Doubleday & Co. First edition.
  • 22.04.21
1626Wood carving : with suggestions in chip carving : designed as an elementary course of instruction and to meet the requirements of technical classes in connection with the Board of Education.
  • Publication, Book
  • Carvings
By Thomas C. Simmonds with numerous illustrations by the author, published by George Allen & Unwin, 1892, reprinted 1924.
  • 22.04.19
1625Menaboni's birds
  • Publication, Book
  • Birds
By Athos and Sara Menaboni, published by Rinehart & Co.
  • 22.04.20
1624Portraits of New England birds.
  • Publication, Book
  • Birds
Drawn in color by Louis Agassiz Fuertes and Allan Brooks for "Birds of Massachusetts and other New England states" by Edward Howe Forbush. Published by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
  • 22.04.18
1623Birds of America.
  • Publication, Book
  • Birds
Editor-in-Chief, T. Gilbert Pearson, consulting editor, John Burroughs. Published by The University Society, Inc. Nature Lovers Library, volume 3.
  • 22.04.17
1622The warblers of America : a popular account of the wood warblers as they occur in the Western Hemisphere.
  • Publication, Book
  • Birds
By Ludlow Griscom, Alexander Sprunt, Jr. and other ornithologists of note. Illustrated by John Henry Dick. Published by The Devin-Adair Co.
  • 22.04.16
1621Birds that hunt and are hunted : life histories of one hundred and seventy birds of prey, game birds and water-fowls.
  • Publication, Book
  • Birds
Published by Grosset & Dunlap. Signed by the author.
  • 22.04.15
1620Art of the decoy : American bird carvings.
  • Publication, Book
  • Carvings
  • Birds
Drawings by Lou Schifferl. Published by Bramhall House. Signed by the author.
  • 22.04.14
1619American water and game birds.
  • Publication, Book
  • Birds
Silhouettes by Ugo Mochi. Photographs by Allan D. Cruikshank and others. Prepared in cooperation with the Chicago Natural History Museum. Published by E. P. Dutton & Co. Flyleaf inscribed : "To Wendell Gilley - May this book help a bit to inspire you to still more perfection in your art - Friend Billy B., 1956".
  • 22.04.13
1618The art of wood carving.
  • Publication, Book
  • Carvings
Published by D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc.
  • 22.04.12
1617Birds : a demonstration in color reproduction from The Lakeside Press, R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company, reprinted from Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia, by permission.
  • Publication, Book
  • Birds
Front cover signed "W. H. Gilley, S.W. Harbor, Maine".