1 - 200 of 632 results
Accession # Identifier Title Type Subject
  • 81.1.13
1001Black Duck
  • Carving
  • Birds
Miniature flying black duck; upper wing wired for hanging; no legs, marked underside of right wing: “Addie Gilley,” underside of left wing: “Black duck, Gilley.” Carved and painted detail of plumage; Early 10 birds.
1002Gilley - Wendell Holmes Gilley (1904-1983)
  • Reference
  • People
Wendell Gilley is a name well known among carvers and carving collectors. Author of The Art of Bird Carving: A Guide to a Fascinating Hobby, one of the earliest instructional books on the subject, Gilley was a pioneer in the field of decorative bird carving. By his estimate, he created “ten thousand birds of pine and paint” between 1931 and 1983. (Gilley also loved alliteration; it should be noted that most of his carvings were made of basswood.) [show more]
1003Wendell Holmes Gilley
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
Gilley smokes a pipe while carving an Osprey in his Southwest Harbor, Maine workshop
1004Wendell Holmes Gilley at Work on a Goose
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Carvings
  • Birds
Wendell Gilley painting a Canada Goose. Reverse side marked: "W SW '75"
1005Bragdon - Addie (Bragdon) Gilley (1905-1983)
  • Reference
  • People
Addie Gilley’s created an outstanding collection of her husband’s work. The carvings that Addie so wisely saved over the years became the core of the Museum’s permanent collection. Wendell and Addie were the guests of honor at the opening of the Gilley Museum on July 12, 1981. They remained active in the museum until their deaths a few months apart in 1983.
1006The Art of Bird Carving: a Guide to a Fascinating Hobby
  • Publication, Book
  • Birds
A guide to a fascinating hobby! Wendell Gilley was a bird watcher and artist who carved birds in wood on Mount Desert Island, Maine. He started out carving two-inch wooden birds for Abercrombie & Fitch. The book is beautifully illustrated with color photographs and with drawings.
  • 81.1.97
1008Upland Plover
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; mounted on driftwood base, standing erect, left leg raised, head turned right; glass eyes, metal legs, burnt, carved and painted detail. Signed “Addie Gilley, Upland Plover, 1974, W.H Gilley” on underside of base. Small cracks at juncture of legs and body. Also called upland sandpiper. Companion piece no. 81.1.98.
  • 81.1.22
  • Carving
  • Birds
Life size adult ; perched on twig, mounted on carved oblong base; glass eyes, metal legs and feet, upright posture, head turned slightly to left. Signed “Gilley ’76” on rear end of base. Some blue paint on base; underside marked “11;” Phillips head screw attaching base to twig.
  • 81.1.12
1010Black Duck
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature adult ; mounted on drift wood base; painted plumage, glass eyes, carved feet. Signed "Gilley" below right foot; stamped "Wendell H. Gilley" on underside, marked "Addie Gilley."
  • 81.1.14
1011King Eider, Male
  • Carving, Mobil, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; flying carving, wire screwed into body for hanging; glass eyes, painted details of plumage and feet, some carved feather detail in wings; incorrect beak detail; artist copied from painting w/o front perspective. Signed: "Gilley" on white upper flank patch; "Addie Gilley" marked on underside of breast. Companion pieces: 81.1.15, 81.1.16.
  • 81.1.15
1012King Eider, Male
  • Carving, Mobil, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; Flying, screw eye in body for hanging, one extra hole present beneath screw eye; painted eyes, carved feet, feather detail carved into wings and tail, King Eider beak marking absent. Carved after the fashion of A. J. Dando's birds owned by Caroll Tyson. Signed: "Gilley," on underside of upper wing; Marked "Addie Gilley," on underside of lower wing.
  • 81.1.16
1013King Eider, Female
  • Carving, Mobil, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; flying, wire screwed into body for hanging; glass eyes, painted feet and plumage, carved feather detail in wings. Signed "Giley," under left wing; marked "Addie Gilley."
  • 81.1.17
1014Barn Owl
  • Carving, 1/5 Life-size
  • Birds
1/5 life size; on natural wooden base, hunched over as if watching for prey, toes positioned, 3 point back instead of natural 2:2; glass eyes, painted and carved detail. Signed: "Gilley '76" on right of base. Underside marked "Barn Owl by W.H. Gilley, Addie Gilley 1976."
  • 81.1.18
1015Saw-whet Owl
  • Carving, 3/4 Life-size
  • Birds
3/4 life size; outstretched wings, alighting on driftwood limb mounted on carved oblong base, Phillips head screw in base, toes 3:1; glass eyes, carved and painted plumage detail. Signed: "Gilley '72" on lower right side of base. Underside marked: "Addie Gilley, xmas 1972."
  • 81.1.19
1016Herring Gull, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, 1/4 Life-size
  • Birds
1/4 life size; folded wings, perched on natural base; glass eyes, painted, semi-detailed plumage markings. Signed: "Gilley '73" on right side of base.
  • 81.1.20
1017Long-eared Owl with Black-capped Chickadee
  • Carving, Multiple Birds, 1/3 Life-size
  • Birds
Two carvings, 1/3 Life size (chickadee is in proportion to owl); mounted on natural wood, owl at bottom facing forward, chickadee perched on branch to the left and above the owl. On owl, two toes forward and two backward; no feet on chickadee; glued onto branch, Chickadee has pinhead black eyes, owl has glass eyes, both with painted and carved detail. Signed: "Gilley '72"; marked "l. eared owl," on underside of base.
  • 81.1.21
1018Great Gray Owl
  • Carving, 1/10 Life-size
  • Birds
1/10 life size; perched on driftwood piece attached to carved wooden base, owl's head turned over left shoulder; glass eyes, painted detail. Signed "Gilley," on top of stamp, marked "Addie Gilley," on underside of base.
  • 81.1.23
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; perched in downward stance on twig attached to carved wooden oblong base ; glass eyes, metal feet/legs ; blue paint partially rubbed off of head, back, and sides to give natural effect. Signed: "Gilley '76" on right side of base. Underside numbered "5."
  • 81.1.25
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; mounted on pear-shaped carved wooden base, perched sideways on branch, head turned forward; glass eyes. Signed "Gilley '76" on lower right. Underside marked: "Blue Bird by W.H Gilley 1976, 15."
  • 81.1.24
  • Carving
  • Birds
Life size adult in semi-upright stance, perched on twig attached to pear-shaped carved wooden base; glass eyes, has "observant look" ; metal legs/feet ; painted detail. Signed on base: "Gilley, '76." Underside marked: "Addie Gilley, 1976, 10."
  • 81.1.27
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size, slightly oversized; perched on twig, mounted on carved oblong wooden base, horizontal stand, facing forward; glass eyes. Signed: "Gilley, '76" on right side of base, number 4 of 16. Underside marked "4 Addie Gilley."
  • 81.1.26 (81.1.27 on piece)
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; horizontal stand, perched with one foot in crotch of twig, one up on branch, twig mounted in oblong mound, carved wooden base. Signed "Gilley '76" on lower right of base, underside marked: "Bluebird by Wendell Gilley, 1976, 7."
  • 81.1.28
1026Ruffed Grouse, Male
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; mounted on natural wooden base, upright posture, tail fanned open horizontally; glass eyes, carved feet, highly detailed painted plumage. Signed "Gilley" on right rear of base, Underside of base marked: "Addie Gilley, Ruffed Grouse by W.H. Gilley, 1966."
  • 81.1.29
1027Ruffed Grouse, Male
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature male in display; head turned towards left, left foot forward on pear-shaped smooth wooden base; glass eyes, wire legs, highly detailed plumage; multi-piece. Signed and marked under base: "Gilley, 1946, Ruffed Grouse, Addie Gilley."
  • 81.1.30
1028Woodcock Pair with Two Chicks
  • Carving, Multiple Birds, Miniatures
  • Birds
Miniature group on natural wooden base: male upright, wings hanging down, wire legs, painted feet; female nestled on wood, chicks between parent birds. Great degree of painted detail depicting adult and immature plumage. Signed "Gilley" on right side of base, underside marked: "Addie Gilley, Gilley."
  • 81.1.31
1029Pileated Woodpecker
  • Carving, 1/4 Life-size
  • Birds
1/4 life size; perched on driftwood mounted on carved wooden base, toes inaccurate: three front one rear instead of two and two; glass eyes, painted wired feet, painted detail. Signed lower right of natural wood: "Gilley." Underside of base marked: "Addie Gilley, Pileated Woodpecker, 1970, W.H. Gilley."
  • 81.1.32
1030Canada Goose
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; 3-D feet, mounted on round, smooth wooden base, erect posture, faces forward; pinhead eyes, painted detail. Underside signed, dated, marked: "Gilley, '59. Addie Gilley."
  • 81.1.33
1031Wood Duck
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; mature male, upright posture facing forward, 3-D feet on triangular natural wood base; glass eyes, breeding plumage, painted detail. Signed on side: "Gilley." Underside of base marked "1966. Addie Gilley."
  • 81.1.34
1032American Goldeneye
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature male ; mounted on oblong smooth wood base, upright posture facing forward; glass eyes, metal legs and feet. Signed on side of base: "Gilley." Underside of base marked: "Addie Gilley, Am. Goldeneye."
  • 81.1.35
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; adult bird, upright posture facing forward; painted plumage and feet, wire legs set into smooth mound wood base. Signed: "Woodcock, by W.H Gilley," on underside of base; marked: "Addie Gilley."
  • 81.1.36
1034Short-eared Owl
  • Carving, 1/5 Life-size
  • Birds
1/5 Life size; perched on natural wood, incorrect toes (3 front, 1 back,) head turned over left shoulder; glass eyes, 3-D feet, painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on right side of base, underside of base marked "Addie Birthday 1972."
  • 81.1.37
1035Ruddy Turnstone
  • Carving, 1/4 Life-size
  • Birds
About 1/4 life size; mounted on natural wood base, erect posture facing forward; black pinhead eyes, wired legs and feet, painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on side of base, underside of base marked "Ruddy Turnstone, W.H. Gilley, Addie Gilley."
  • 81.1.1
1036Mallard Drake
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; head and body one piece, wire legs set into round, black base, feet painted, semi-detailed. Marked on underside of base: "Mallard, W.H. Gilley, First Bird, Made 1930, Addie Gilley." First bird carving by Wendell H. Gilley.
  • 81.1.2
1037Bobwhite Quail, Male
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; legs set into carved, brown mound base; glass eyes, painted feet and detail. Marked "Addie Gilley, Bob White by W.H. Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.3
1038Ring-necked Pheasant, Male
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; legs set into carved, grey mound base; glass eyes, painted feet and detail. Marked "Addie Gilley, Pheasant by W.H. Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.4
1039Turkey, Male
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; standing, face forward, legs set into carved, grey mound base; glass eyes, paint brush bristle "beard"; wattle detail carved in; painted plumage and feet. Marked "Addie Gilley, Turkey by W.H Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.5
1040Atlantic Puffin
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; mounted on carved, black mound base; glass eyes, painted plumage and feet. Marked "Addie Gilley, Puffin by W.H. Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.6
1041Mallard Drake
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; standing, head turned right, mounted on grey mound base; glass eyes, painted plumage, carved feet, carved detail of tail and feathers. Signed "Gilley, 1960," marked "Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.7
1042Bobwhite Quail, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniatures; mounted on carved, oblong, brown mound base, male stands upright on "log" attached to main base and has carved feet, female stands on main base, head down as if herding young, legs set into base, painted feet; glass eyes, painted plumage. Signed and dated "7/16/45, Bob White by W.H. Gilley," "Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.8
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; mounted on driftwood, head turned around right shoulder, tail erect; glass eyes, carved feet, painted plumage. Unsigned. Marked "Made for Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.9
1044Canada Goose
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; mounted on driftwood base, standing up, neck drawn back, head turned slightly to left; carved feet, painted adult plumage details. Signed and dated "Gilley '72" on lower right side. Marked "Addie Gilley" on underside.
  • 81.1.10
1045Wilson's Plover
  • Carving, 1/4 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/4 life size; mounted on driftwood, upright posture, right leg slightly lifted; glass eyes, carved feet, painted adult plumage. Signed and dated "1965, Wilson Plover by W.H. Gilley." Marked "Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.11
1046Black Duck
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; mounted on carved, oblong, grey wood base, upright posture, head turned slightly left; glass eyes, carved feet, painted plumage. Signed "Gilley '59" on side of base. Marked and dated "Addie Gilley, Black Duck, 4/22/'59" on underside.
  • 81.1.38
1047Semipalmated Plover
  • Carving, 1/4 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/4 life size; mounted on pitted driftwood base, facing forward, standing with one leg raised; glass eyes, wire legs and feet, painted adult plumage. Signed, dated and marked "Semipalmated Plover by W.H. Gilley, 1965, Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.39
1048Bufflehead, Male
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; mounted on natural wood base; carved and painted eyes, 3D legs and feet, painted adult plumage. Signed and dated "'75 Gilley" on rear side of base. Marked "Bufflehead, Addie" on underside.
  • 81.1.40
1049Pink Flamingo
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; standing with right foot on driftwood base, left leg half raised, neck curved downward; painted eyes and detail. Signed and dated "Gilley 1967" on right side of base. Marked "Addie Gilley" on underside.
  • 81.1.41
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; standing in upright-horizontal forward posture, beak pointing downward on curled driftwood base; carved and painted eyes, wire legs, painted plumage. Signed "Gilley" on right side of base, marked and dated "Addie Gilley, Feb 20 1968" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.42
1051Screech Owl
  • Carving, 1/2 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/2 life size adult bird; perched facing full forward on natural wood mounted on carved wooden base, front toes protruding from body, ear tufts semi-erect, screw visible on underside of limb, extra screw hole in base adjacent to existing screw attaching limb to base; glass eyes. Signed "Gilley '73" on right front of base. Marked "Addie Gilley, Screeched Owl, grey phase, 1973" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.43
1052Screech Owl (red phase)
  • Carving, 1/2 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/2 life size; perched on driftwood base, upright posture, head turned left, ear-tufts semi-erect, front toes exposed; glass eyes, painted plumage. Signed "Gilley" on lower left side of base. Marked "Screech Owl by W.H. Gilley, 1969, Addie Gilley" on underside of base. Made for Rob Kurtz - traded for gray
  • 81.1.44
1053Great Horned Owl
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; perched on driftwood "stump" mounted on carved wooden base, head turned over left shoulder, body and ear-tufts erect, toes in correct formation on stump; glass eyes, painted plumage detail; muted colors. Marked "Gt. Horned Owl by W.H. Gilley, Addie Giley" on underside. Brass screw and extra hole visible under base.
  • 81.1.45
1054Saw-whet Owl
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; mounted on natural wood base composed of two pieces, facing forward, head turned to right, front toes painted on to body; glass eyes. Signed "Gilley '72" on right side of base. Marked "Addie" on underside.
  • 81.1.46
1055Snowy Owl
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; perched on natural wormy driftwood "stump" on carved, white-painted base, facing forward, head turned slightly right; glass eyes, 3-D feet, painted adult plumage. Signed, dated and marked "Arctic Owl by W.H. Gilley, 1946, Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.47
1056Mallard Drake
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; mounted on driftwood base, erect posture facing forward; glass eyes, 3-D feet, highly detailed paintings, carved tail feathers. Signed, dated and marked "Mallard by W.H Gilley; 1973 for Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.48
1057Canvasback Drake
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; mounted on grey mound base, hunched over, beak pointing to ground; painted eyes and feet, wire legs set into base. Marked "Copy of bird made by A.C. Crowell" and "Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.49
1058Pintail Drake
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; mounted on driftwood, upright posture, preening breast - only one in this position in this size; glass eyes, molded feet, aluminium wing tips and tail. Signed "Gilley" on right of base, marked "Addie Gilley on underside of base. Carved out of pine-head separate piece
  • 81.1.50
1059White-throated Sparrow
  • Carving, 2/3 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 2/3 life size; mounted on smooth mound base, horizontal stance facing forward; glass eyes, painted detail, wire legs set into base, painted feet. Signed and marked "White-throated Sparrow by W.H. Gilley, Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.51
1060Pintail, Pair
  • Carving, Multiple Birds, Miniatures
  • Birds
Miniatures; pair standing side by side, female to the right, male to the left on driftwood base; glass eyes, lead feet, painted feather detail. Signed "Gilley" and marked "Made for Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.52
1061Common Tern, Pair
  • Carving, Multiple Birds, 1/3 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/3 life size pair; mounted on driftwood base, male standing above female, wings raised, head pointing downward, beak partially open, female crouched below, wings folded, beak closed; both with glass eyes and lead feet, painted details. Signed on front of base, marked "C. Tern, Addie Gilley, 1966" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.53
1062Tree Sparrow
  • Carving, 2/3 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 2/3 life size; semi-erect posture, facing forward, tail horizontal; glass eyes, wire legs set in smooth mound base, painted feet. Signed and marked "Addie Gilley, Tree Sparrow by W.H Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.55
1063Bald Eagle
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; perched on driftwood "stump," attached to flat driftwood base, erect posture, facing forward; glass eyes, metal feet, adult plumage. Signed and dated "Gilley '73" on right side of base. Marked "Addie Gilley" on underside of base. One of only three miniature eagles.
  • 81.1.56
1064Bald Eagle
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; mounted on driftwood base, erect posture, head turned right; glass eyes, metal feet, adult plumage. Signed and dated "Gilley '73" on right side of base. Marked "Addie Gilley" on underside of base. One of only three eagle miniatures.
  • 81.1.54
1065White-throated Sparrow
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; mounted on driftwood base, head and tail erect; glass eyes, wire legs, painted detail. Signed, dated and marked "White-throated Sparrow by W.H. Gilley, 1974 for Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.57
1066Dark-eyed Junco
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; mounted on driftwood base, horizontal stance; glass eyes, wire legs and feet, painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on right of base. Marked "Junco, Addie Gilley, 1970" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.59
1067Red-breasted Merganser, Male
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; "swimming" duck, head turned forward and to right; glass eyes, adult plumage, painted detail. Signed "Gilley" and marked "Addie Gilley, Red-breasted Merganser (male)" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.60
1068Whistling Swan
  • Carving, Decoy, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; "swimming" swan, neck erect, facing forward; painted and carved detail. Stamped "Wendell H. Gilley, Southwest Harbor, Maine, 04679, male Whistling Swan made for Addie Gilley by (writing smeared.) Only swimming swan made by W.H. Gilley.
  • 81.1.61
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; perched on twig screwed onto carved wood base, head and tail erect; glass eyes, painted feather detail, wired by feet. Signed "Gilley '79" on left of base. Marked "Addie Gilley birthday, 1979: on underside of base.
  • 81.1.62
1070Black-capped Chickadee
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; perched sideways on twig, mounted on carved wooden base, beak open; glass eyes, wire legs and feet. Signed "Gilley" on right front of base as well as underside of base. Marked "Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.63
1071Black-capped Chickadee
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Life size; clinging to twig in characteristic upside-down position, twig screwed to shaped wooden base; pinhead eyes, wire legs and feet, detail in color and relief; Signed "Gilley '73." Marked "Chickadee for Addie Gilley, 1973" on underside.
  • 81.1.64
1072Golden-Crowned Kinglet, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult male and female perched on twig, facing opposite directions, attached to shaped fiber board base, male higher on twig, distinguished by orange in crown, female below; both with glass eyes, wire feet and legs, painted plumage detail, base brown with green. Signed "Gilley" on right of base. Marked and dated "Golden Crowned Kinglets, Addie Gilley, 1972" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.65
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult on driftwood base, body horizontal, head erect, facing forward, right foot raised with only middle toe touching base; glass eyes, carved, burned and painted feather detail, wire legs and feet. Signed "Gilley" on right of base. Marked and dates "Killdeer, Addie Gilley, 1975" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.66
1074Green-winged Teal
  • Carving, 1/3 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/3 life size; adult on natural burl base, head turned slightly to right, hunched back, squatting; burned and painted detail, feet lead. Signed and dated "Gilley '74" on right of base. Marked "Green-winged teal by W. Gilley for Addie Gilley, 1974" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.67
1075American Goldfinch, Male
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. Life size; adult male, glass eyes, painted plumage detail, wire legs set into green mound base. Marked "Goldfinch by W.H Gilley, Addie Gilley." on underside of base.
  • 81.1.68
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult on driftwood base, semi upright, beak pointed downward; glass eyes, painted detail, wire legs and feet. Unsigned, undated.
  • 81.1.69
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult nestled on natural wood base, head pulled down, beak pointing downward, toes protruding; glass eyes, wire toes, painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on base. Marked and dated "Woodcock, 1971, Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.70
1078Saw-whet Owl
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult perched on driftwood piece set into shaped wooden base, body in profile with head turned over right shoulder to "front" of piece; glass eyes, wire toes, four first toes protruding, painted plumage detail. Signed "Gilley '75" on right front of base. Marked and dated "Addie Gilley, Saw-whet owl by W.H. Gilley, 1975" on underside of base, which also has artist stamp. Artist considered this his best saw-whet owl. [show more]
  • 81.1.71
  • Carving, Decoy, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; working/decorative decoy - disassembles into four pieces: beak, head, body and leg/base - body hollow, hinged on bottom, closes on back with hasp, head and beak can be enclosed in body; glass eyes, painted detail, single dowel leg set in driftwood base. Signed "Gilley '69" on rear of base. Marked "Only two made, property of Addie Gilley" on underside of base. A copy of a decoy pattern, one of two ever made by W.H. Gilley. [show more]
  • 81.1.72
1080Bobwhite Quail Hen with Six Chicks
  • Carving, Multiple Birds, Miniatures
  • Birds
Miniature adult and six young mounted on driftwood; a very animated piece: the hen looking down at the three chicks in front of her, the three others are exploring behind her; one chick is standing upright with tiny wings outstretched; adult has pinhead eyes; all birds have painted plumage detail, wire legs and feet. Signed "Gilley" on right rear of base. Marked and dated "Made by W.H. Gilley, Addie Gilley, Dec. 1960" on underside of base. [show more]
  • 81.1.73
1081Osprey with Flounder
  • Carving, 1/4 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/4 life size; perched on driftwood base, carved flounder under left talon, bird is hunched over prey, beak partially open; glass eyes, cast talons, painted, burned and carved detail, flounder unpainted. Unsigned.
  • 81.1.74
  • Carving, 1/5 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/5 life size; mounted on driftwood base, standing on toes, wings outstretched; glass eyes, lead feet, painted and carved detailed. Signed "Gilley" on front of base. Marked "Made for Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.75
1083Ring-necked Pheasant, Male
  • Carving, 1/3 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/3 life size; perched on driftwood base, stands erect, tail horizontal; glass eyes, painted detail, wire legs and feet. Smeared signature on right side of base, "Gilley." Marked and dated "Ring-necked Pheasant by W. Gilley, 1973, Addie" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.76
1084Black Duck, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, 1/4 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/4 life size; pair mounted on driftwood base, lower duck has head turned around right shoulder, upper duck's head turned slightly left, neck withdrawn; both with glass eyes, painted detail, lead feet. Signed, dated, marked "Black duck for Addie Gilley by W.H. Gilley, 1974" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.77
1085Bobwhite Quail, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; pair mounted on driftwood base, male stands erect on right, female squats on left, head toward ground; both have glass eyes, wire feet and legs, painted detail. Unsigned, unmarked.
  • 81.1.78
1086Bobwhite Quail, Male
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; mounted on carved mound base, standing erect, facing forward; glass eyes, wire legs, sheet metal feet, carved and painted detail. Unmarked.
  • 81.1.79
1087American Goldeneye, Male
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; swimming drake, head turned slightly right; painted detail. Signed and dated "Gilley '72" on underside.
  • 81.1.81
1088American Goldeneye, Female
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Miniature; swimming duck, neck down; painted detail. Unsigned. Companion to 81.1.79.
  • 81.1.82
1089Wild Turkey
  • Carving, 1/5 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/5 life size; mounted on driftwood base, standing erect on right foot, left foot raised; glass eyes, bristle "beard", metal legs and feet, painted and carved detail. Signed on base, underside of base dated 1974, marked "Addie, Wild Turkey."
  • 81.1.83
1090Wild Turkey, Male
  • Carving, 1/5 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/5 life size; mounted on driftwood base, walking pose, left leg forward, attached by middle toe, right leg behind, attached by left toe; glass eyes, wire feet, carved and painted detail. Signed and dated "Gilley '74" on right side of base, marked "Wild Turkey by W.H. Gilley, 1974, Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.84
1091Long-tailed Duck, Male
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; swimming; flat bottom, tail up, head turned slightly left; glass eyes, carved and painted detail. Signed, dated and marked: "Oldsquaw (male) 1970, made for Addie Gilley by W.H. Gilley" on underside. Companion piece no. 81.1.85
  • 81.1.85
1092Long-tailed Duck, Female
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Life size; swimming, flat bottom; glass eyes, primer coat of paint only. Unsigned. Companion piece no. 81.1.84.
  • 81.1.86
1093Blue-winged Teal, Male
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; drake mounted on burned driftwood base, head turned left, beak down; glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley '74" on left side of base, marked "Blue-winged Teal by W.G. Gilley, 1974, made for Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.87
1094Cinnamon Teal
  • Carving, Decoy, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size decoy; Swimming Teal, flat bottom, neck erect/back, facing forward; glass eyes, carved and painted detail. Marked, signed and dated "Made for Addie Gilley, Cinnamon Teal by W.H. Gilley, 1970" on underside.
  • 81.1.88
1095Robin, Male
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; perched on green, oblong, wooden mound base, erect posture, facing forward; glass eyes, wire feet and legs, painted and burned detail. Marked, dated and signed "Robin, made for Addie Gilley, 1978, by W.H. Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.89
1096Atlantic Puffin
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; mounted on wood covered with sand simulating rock, erect posture, head turned slightly right; glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Marked, dated and signed "Property of Addie Gilley, Xmas 1977, made by Wendell Gilley, 1977" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.90
1097Red-shouldered Hawk
  • Carving, 1/2 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/2 life size; mounted on driftwood piece attached to oblong carved wooden base, perched in hunting posture; glass eyes, metal feet, carved burned and painted detail. Marked, dated and signed "Red-shouldered Hawk, carved 1975, painted 1978, by W.H Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.91
1098Screech Owl (Gray Phase)
  • Carving, 3/4 Life-size
  • Birds
3/4 Life size; perched on driftwood piece attached to carved wooden base, head turned right, two toes of left foot exposed, three toes of right foot exposed, ear tufts laid back; glass eyes, metal toe nails, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley '75" on left of base, marked "Screech Owl 3/4 life size, 1975, by W.H. Gilley, property of Addie Gilley" on underside of base. Gray phase.
  • 81.1.92
1099Mallard Drake
  • Carving, 1/2 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/2 life size; stands up semi erect, head turned to left; metal feet, carved and painted detail. Marked "Addie Gilley" on underside.
  • 81.1.93
1100Loon with Chick and Egg
  • Carving, Multiple Birds, Varying Sizes
  • Birds
Common loon adult standing over nest with attached egg and unattached chick, head bent down, beak touching unhatched egg on oblong wooden base covered with sand and nesting material; adult loon has glass eyes, carved and painted detail, metal feet; egg painted; chick one-piece, beak open, flat bottom, pinhead eyes, painted detail. Marked, dated and signed "Made for Addie Gilley, 1964, Common Loon by Wendell Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.94
1101Loon with Two Chicks
  • Carving, Multiple Birds, Decoy
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Approx. 1/4 life size; three part composition: one swimming, flat-bottomed adult, two swimming, flat-bottomed chicks; adult's head turned slightly to left, with glass eyes and painted detail; chick a's head is erect, chick b's head is down, both have burned detail. Adult marked, dated, signed "Loon, made for Addie Gilley by W.H. Gilley, 1973" on underside. Chicks unmarked.
  • 81.1.95
1102Mallard Drake
  • Carving, 1/3 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/3 life size; mounted on driftwood base, standing semi-erect, head turned right; glass eyes, metal feet, carved and painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on left of base.
  • 81.1.96
1103Common Loon
  • Carving, 1/3 Life-size
  • Birds
Mounted on driftwood base; standing, wings down, head lowered and cocked to right in "quizzical" expression; glass eyes, metal feet, painted and carved detail. Signed on base "Gillley". Underside of base marked: "This is one of a limited edition of only two of this model made, W.G. Common "Loon" by W.H. Gilley, 1973, property of Addie Gilley."
  • 81.1.98
1104Upland Plover
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; mounted on driftwood base, standing erect, right leg raised, head turned left; glass eyes, metal legs, carved, burned and painted detail. Marked, dated and signed "for Addie Gilley, Upland Plover by W.H. Giley, 1974" on underside of base. Also called upland sandpiper Companion piece no. 81.1.97
  • 81.1.99
1105Evening Grosbeak, Male
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size male; mounted on driftwood branch attached to carved oblong wooden base, body tilted downward; glass eyes, metal legs, carved, burned and painted detail. Unsigned. Marked "Addie Gilley, 1978" on underside.
  • 81.1.100
1106Saw-whet Owl
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size adult; mounted on driftwood stump attached to carved oblong wooden base, perched upright, three toes of each foot protruding; glass eyes - somewhat marred, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed and dated "Gilley '76" on rear of driftwood.
  • 81.1.102
1107Ruffed Grouse, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, 2/3 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 2/3 life-size; adult pair on driftwood base, male standing on right, tail partially spread, head turned left, female on lower left, nested on wood, left toes protruding, tail folded, neck down, head turned slightly left; both with glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on center of base. Marked "Grouse, made for Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.103
1108Wild Turkey, Pair
  • Carving, Pair
  • Birds
Approx. 1/6 life size adults; mounted on driftwood attached to oblong carved wooden base, male on right, head erect and turned slightly right; glass eyes, wire legs, bristle "beard" - female on right, head lowered, right leg back in scratching pose; glass eyes, metal legs; both have carved and painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on left side of driftwood. Marked and dated "Made for Addie Gilley birthday, 1975, Wild Turkey 1975, by Wendell Gilley" on underside of base. [show more]
  • 81.1.104
1109White-winged Scoter
  • Carving, Decoy, Life-size
  • Birds
Life-size; Swimming, flat bottomed adult, head erect, facing inward; Glass eyed, smooth surface with some carved and painted decorative detail, several piece hollow construction. Signed and dated "W. Gilley, 1968" on underside.
  • 81.1.105
1110Black Capped Chickadee, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, Life-size
  • Birds
Two life-sized chickadees on a driftwood base, one hanging upside down on branch, one standing on bottom left of base; both have pin head eyes, wire legs, painted details. Signed and dated "Gilley '59" on left side of base. Bottom of base covered with grey felt.
  • 81.1.106
1111Green-winged Teal
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size drake; standing on driftwood base, head erect, turned to left; Glass eyes, metal feet, carved , burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on left rear of base. Marked "For Addie Gilley, Green -winged Teal by W.H. Gilley, 1974" on underside of base. Stamped "W.H. Gilley" between legs.
  • 81.1.107
1112Green Heron
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life-size; Adult bird on driftwood base, standing hunched over as if fishing; Glass eyes, metal legs, painted, carved, burned details. Signed "Gilley '76" on underside of base. Marked "Green Heron by Wendell Gilley, 1976."
  • 81.1.108
1113Canada Goose
  • Carving, 1/4 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/4 life size; Adult mounted on driftwood base, standing upright, body horizontal, neck erect, head turned slightly left; glass eyes, metal feet, carved and painted detail. Unsigned. Paint cracked at top of right leg.
  • 81.1.109
1114Green Heron
  • Carving, 1/2 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/2 life size; adult on driftwood base, standing, neck down, beak horizontal, facing forward; glass eyes, metal legs, carved and burned detail. Signed "Gilley" on base.
  • 81.1.110
1115Canada Geese
  • Carving, Pair, 1/4 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/4 life size; adults on driftwood base; gander on left has head turned slightly left, neck erect; goose on lower right bent left with neck down; both with glass eyes, metal legs; carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on left of base, marked "Addie Gilley, Canada Geese, 1971 by W.H. Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.111
1116Black Duck
  • Carving, 1/3 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/3 life size; adult on driftwood base, head turned over left shoulder, preening left wing; glass eyes, metal legs, carved and painted detail. Underside of base marked "Addie Gilley" faded stamp: Wendell H. Gilley, Southwest Harbor, Maine 04679."
  • 81.1.112
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult on driftwood base, standing, right foot forward, beak agape, wings outspread, tail erect; glass eyes, metal legs, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on base. Marked "Made for Addie Gilley, 1974, by W.H. Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.113
1118Double-crested Cormorant
  • Carving, 1/3 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/3 life size; adult on driftwood base, standing upright, mouth agape, head turned to left, crests erect; glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley 74" on base. Marked "made for Addie Gilley, 1974, Double Crested Cormorant by W.H. Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.114
1119Green-winged Teal
  • Carving, Decoy, Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. life size; swimming adult, flat bottom, neck erect, head turned slightly left; glass eyes; burned and painted detail. Unsigned.
  • 81.1.115
1120White-winged Scoter
  • Carving, Decoy, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; swimming, flat bottom adult, neck partially down, turned left; glass eyes, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on underside of tail. Textured surface.
  • 81.1.116
1121Wood Duck, Male
  • Carving, Decoy, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; swimming, flat bottom adult, head turned to left, crest down; glass eyes, burned and painted detail. Marked "Wood Duck made for Addie Gilley, Christmas 1970, by W.H. Gilley."
  • 81.1.117
1122Brown Pelican
  • Carving, 1/5 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/5 life size; adult on driftwood stump attached to carved oblong base, standing on toes, wings raised over head, head turned slightly to right; glass eyes, carved, burned and painted detail. Unsigned.
  • 81.1.118
1123Belted Kingfisher, Male
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult on driftwood attached to carved oblong base, perched upright, head turned slightly left; glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Marked, dated, signed "Kingfisher, made for Addie Gilley, 1973, by W.H. Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.119
1124Cardinal, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult male and female on driftwood attached to oblong carved wooden base, male on branch above female, perched, tilted downward, tail raised, female on lower part of branch, body horizontal, head cocked right. Signed "Gilley" on lower left of base front. Marked "Property of Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.120
1125Ruffed Grouse, Male
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult male on driftwood base, standing, tail slightly raised, feathers spread, head turned slightly left, carved, burned and painted detail; glass eyes, metal feet. Marked "Ruffed Grouse by W.H. Gilley, 1973, property of Addie Gilley, Southwest Harbor, Maine" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.121
1126Brown Pelican
  • Carving, 1/4 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/4 life size; adult on shaped wooden "pier" attached to round, flat wooden base, standing, head raised, two fish hanging out of bill; glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on front of base, stamped "Wendell H. Gilley, Southwest Harbor, ME 04679" on underside of base. Marked "Addie Gilley, xmas 1975."
  • 81.1.122
1127Brown Pelican
  • Carving, 1/4 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/4 life size; adult on shaped wooden "pier" attached to circular, flat wooden base, standing, facing forward, head and beak vertical; glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "by Wendell Gilley," marked "Addie Gilley, Xmas 1975" on underside of base. Companion piece no. 81.1.21.
  • 81.1.123
1128Clapper Rail
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult on burnt driftwood base, attached to base by left foot, standing, right leg slightly raised, hood turned slightly left; glass eyes, metal legs, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley '76" on left of base, marked "Gilley, Clapper Rail" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.124
1129Herring Gull with Fish
  • Carving, Decoy, 1/2 Life-size
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Approx. 1/2 life size; adult swimming, flat bottom, carved and painted fish in beak, head tilted left; glass eyes, carved and painted decorative detail. Signed "Gilley" and marked "Addie Gilley" on underside of base. Dated "1946"
  • 81.1.133
1130Bald Eagle
  • Carving, 1/3 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/3 life size; decorative eagle, painted gold standing head down, beak agape, tongue visible, wings outstretched, tail down; integral base. Marked "Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.134
1131Canada Goose
  • Carving, Mobil, 1/2 Life-size
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Approx. 1/2 life size; flying adult wall mount, neck arched downward, head cocked slightly right, wings outspread; glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Unsigned.
  • 81.1.136
1132Bald Eagle Plaque
  • Carving
  • Birds
Decorative flying eagle; clutching flagpole in left talon with attached banner:. "E Pluribus Unum" carved and painted decorative detail. Attached hanging wire. Signed "Wendell Gilley," marked "Addie Gilley" on back.
  • 81.1.137
1133Bald Eagle Plaque
  • Carving
  • Birds
Decorative eagle looking upwards, wings out stretched horizontally, left talon in relief clutching shield, back has two screws and a hinge attaching banner to wing, screw eye for hanging at top and lower right. Painted in red, white and blue, with flag pole and banner reading "Dum Vivimus Viviamus." After the style of carver John Hailey Bellamy (1836-1914). Marked "Addie Gilley," stamped "Wendell H. Gilley, Southwest Harbor, Maine." [show more]
  • 81.1.138
1134Common Tern, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size pair; adults on burned driftwood attached to oblong carved wooden base, left bird higher, standing, wings up, beak agape, right bird standing, wings closed, beak closed; both birds with glass eyes, metal feet. Signed "Gilley" on left of base. Marked "Common Tern, Addie Gilley, 1976" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.139
1135Rudy Turnstone, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; male and female on oblong, sand covered wooden base with two attached driftwood pieces, male standing on burned driftwood, head turned over left shoulder, facing front of composition, female on lower right, attached to oblong base, head to ground, tail up; both have glass eyes, metal legs, carved, burned and painted detail. Unsigned. Marked "Property of Addie Gilley, Ruddy Turnstone, 1975" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.140
1136Great Blue Heron with Trout
  • Carving, 1/2 Life-size
  • Birds
Half size; adult standing on driftwood attached to round carved wooden base, left leg bent, neck erect, beak closed around carved, painted trout; glass eyes, metal legs, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on left of base.
  • 81.1.141
1137Canada Goose
  • Carving, 1/5 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/5 life size adult on driftwood base, neck bent down, scratching head with right foot; glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley '71" on left of base.
  • 81.1.143
1138Bobwhite Quail, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult male and female , male perched on carved ax set in stump, female perched on stump; glass eyes, metal feet, realistic carved and painted detail. Signed "Gilley '72" on top back of ax handle.
  • 81.1.145
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult on driftwood base, standing with right foot forward, head turned slightly to left; glass eyes, metal legs, carved and painted details. Stamped "Gilley" on body between legs. Signed "Gilley" on base, marked "Yellowlegs by W.H. Gilley, made for Addie Gilley, Aug 1972" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.146
1140Atlantic Puffin
  • Carving, Pair, 3/4 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 3/4 life size; pair on driftwood base, bird on left standing erect, head turned to right and raised, looking upward, bird on right squatting, neck down, facing forward; both with glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley '72" on base.
  • 81.1.147
1141Wood Duck, Group
  • Carving, Multiple Birds, 1/4 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/4 life size group of five; two males, three females on partially burned driftwood base, males on right, far right male preening breast feathers, females on left, far left female preening left shoulder; all with glass eyes, metal feet, carved and painted details. Unsigned.
  • 81.1.148
1142Screech Owl
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size adult, gray phase, alighting on driftwood perch attached to oblong, carved wooden base, wings outstretched; glass eyes, metal toenails, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed and marked "Screech Owl made for Addie Gilley, 1978, by Wendell Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.149
1143Long Billed Curlew
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult on driftwood base, squatting, tail up, neck arched back; glass eyes, metal legs, carved, burned and painted detail, beak made from naturally curved piece of ash. Bird was originally made standing erect, then changed - two holes where old legs were placed behind present pair. Unsigned.
  • 81.1.150
1144Ring-necked Pheasant
  • Carving, Almost Life-size
  • Birds
3/4 to life size; adult male standing, head turned slightly to left on burl base, tail raised; painted eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed and marked "Ring-necked Pheasant for Addie Gilley by W.H. Gilley, 1976" on underside of base .
  • 81.1.151
1145Long-eared Owl, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; pair on driftwood piece attached to oblong carved wooden base with painted metal glass in foreground, upper owl has wings up, head turned left facing front of piece, ear tufts erect, tail fanned out, legs reaching down as if alighting, lower owl perched, wings closed, ear tufts erect; both with glass eyes, metal toenails, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed"Gilley '75" on lower left of driftwood. Marked "Long-eared Owls by Wendell Gilley" on underside of base. [show more]
  • 81.1.152
1146Golden Eagle
  • Carving, 1/3 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/3 life size; adult standing erect on driftwood base attached to oblong carved wooden base, head up, turned to right, beak open, tongue out; glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on base. Marked " Golden Eagle made for Addie Gilley by Wendell Gilley 1980" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.153
1147Marbled Godwit, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, Almost Life-size
  • Birds
Near life size; on driftwood piece attached to oblong carved wooden base, bird on right standing erect, head turned to right, left leg raised, left bird bending over, right leg raised; both birds with glass eyes, metal legs and feet. Signed "Gilley '75" on left of base. Marked "Property of Addie Gilley, Marbled Godwit 1975, by W.H. Gilley" on underside.
  • 81.1.154
1148Eagle Plaque
  • Carving
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Decorative three dimensional eagle plaque, head turned left, painted gold, made from two pieces of wood. Has screw eye for hanging. Signed " W.H. Gilley" on back of right wing. Marked "Addie Gilley."
  • 81.1.155
1149Penguin with Chick
  • Carving, Pair, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult standing erect, chick fits between adult's feet, standing erect and looking up at adult; both with glass eyes, semi-detailed. Signed and marked "Made for Addie Gilley, Gilley 1976" on underside of adult. Chick signed "Gilley '76" and marked "Addie."
  • 81.1.156
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult standing upright on driftwood base, beak down; glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on base. Marked "Woodcock, Gilley" on underside.
  • 81.1.157
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult, crouched, no base; glass eyes, metal feet, mainly painted detail. Stamped "W.H. Gilley" on underside between feet.
  • 81.1.158
  • Carving, Almost Life-size
  • Birds
Almost life size; adult on driftwood piece attached to oblong carved wooden base, wings raised, tail spread, head down, beak open, tongue exposed; glass eyes, metal toenails, extensive carved, burned and painted detail. Faded signature: "Gilley" on left of base. Marked "Osprey (near life size) by Wendell H. Gilley, SW Harbor, Maine, 1973, property of Addie B. Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.159
1153Eagle Plaque
  • Carving
  • Birds
Decorative eagle, head turned right, wings spread, talons clutching branch; unpainted, fitted for wall hanging. Signed "W.H. Gilley" on back. Marked "made especially for Addie B. Gilley."
  • 81.1.161
  • Carving, Multiple Birds, Life-size
  • Birds
Almost life size; three flying adults attached by wires from male's (center bird) feet to driftwood piece attached to oblong carved wooden base; base has metal grass, two additional pieces of driftwood, touches of green paint. Birds attached to each other with wire, upper female attached to male by hole beneath tail, lower female attached to male by wire from left wing, all birds with glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on side of driftwood stump. Marked "Bob White by W.H. Gilley, 1974" on underside of base. [show more]
  • 81.1.162
1156Common Eider Group
  • Carving, Multiple Birds, 1/3 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/3 life size; two males and two female adults on driftwood base, male on far right has right wing extended, beak is preening right shoulder, two females in center, other male on far left, neck erect; all have glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Unsigned.
  • 81.1.163
1157Cormorant Group
  • Carving, Multiple Birds, 1/3 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/3 life size; six cormorants, five adults and one juvenile on driftwood base in various postures, all oriented towards left; all have glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Unsigned
  • 81.1.164
1158Barn Owl
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult perched sidelong on driftwood piece attached to oblong carved wooden base, toes three front one back, head turned to right shoulder; glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley '76" on base. Marked "Barn Owl made for Addie Gilley, 1976, by Wendell Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.165
1159Wood Duck, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; male and female on driftwood piece attached to oblong carved wooden base, male standing, neck erect above crouched female with neck down; both with glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on left of base. Marked "Wood Duck by W.H. Gilley, 1970-71, made for Addie Gilley, Feb. 20, 1971, Birthday" on underside.
  • 81.1.166
1160Wild Turkey
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult on burl base, standing on right leg, left leg raised, slips into and out of base on bolt ; glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed on belly, Wild Turkey by Wendell Gilley, 1972. Marked "by W.H. Gilley, made for Addie Gilley, 1972" on side of base.
  • 81.1.168
1162Great Horned Owl
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult on driftwood piece attached to oblong carved wooden base; head turned to left, wings upraised, tail spread, talons clutching driftwood; glass eyes, metal toenails, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley 1977" on base.
  • 81.1.169
1163Bald Eagle with Flounder
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult on driftwood base, wings upraised, head turned left, beak agape; glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley '71" on base. Marked made by Wendell Gilley, 1971, value $5,000, Addie Gilley" on underside of base.
  • 81.1.170
1164Bald Eagle
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size; adult on driftwood piece attached to oblong carved wooden base, head turned slightly left, wings upraised, beak slightly open; glass eyes, metal toe nails, carved, burned and painted detail. Signed "Gilley '76" on base. Marked "Bald Eagle by Wendell Gilley, SW Harbor, ME, 1976" on underside of base. Commissioned by David Rockefeller as a gift for his brother Nelson Rockefeller to commemorate his term as Vice President. The carving resided in the White House for a period. [show more]
  • 81.1.173
1165Pintail, Group
  • Carving, 1/3 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/3 life size; three adult pintails on driftwood base, two males, one female, male on right, standing erect, male in center squat, female on far left, preening right wing; glass eyes, cast metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail. Marked "property of Addie Gilley, 1970" on underside of base.
  • 81.2.1
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; bird on driftwood base; glass eyes, metal legs and feet, carved and painted detail. Stamped "W.H. Gilley, Southwest Harbor," marked "Yellow legs" on underside of base.
  • 81.2.2
1167Semipalmated Plover
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; bird on driftwood base; glass eyes, metal legs and feet, carved and painted detail. Stamped "W.H. Gilley, Southwest Harbor" on underside of base.
1168Black Capped Chickadee, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, Almost Life-size
  • Birds
Almost life size; two chickadees on driftwood, both standing upright, left chickadee has head down; both with glass eyes, metal legs and feet, carved and painted detail. Signed "Gilley '58" on rear of base.
  • 81.3.2
1169Ruffed Grouse
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; adult male perched on yellow birch base, head erect, tail spread; glass eyes, metal feet, carved and painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on lower left of base.
  • 81.3.3
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; adult standing on driftwood base, head turned over right shoulder; glass eyes, metal feet, carved and painted detail. Signed "Gilley '60" on base.
  • 81.3.4
1171Belted Kingfisher
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; adult male on driftwood base attached to oblong carved wooden base; glass eyes, metal feet. Signed "Gilley" on lower left of driftwood. Underside of base felt lined.
  • 81.3.5
1172Common Loon
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; adult standing on driftwood base, neck bent, head turned left; glass eyes, metal feet, carved and painted detail. Signed on right of base. Partial felt bottom.
  • 81.3.6
1173Downy Woodpecker
  • Carving, Almost Life-size
  • Birds
Almost life size; male on driftwood "tree" attached to oblong sand-covered wooden base; glass eyes, wire feet, carved and painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on side of driftwood. Felt bottom.
  • 81.3.7
1174Great Horned Owl
  • Carving, 1/3 Life-size
  • Birds
Approx. 1/3 life size; adult on driftwood base, head turned to right, ear tufts erect, 3 toes forward and 1 back; glass eyes, metal feet, carved and painted detail. Signed "Gilley 1960" on lower left of base.
  • 81.3.8
1175Great Blue Heron, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniatures; two adults on driftwood base, left heron stands with neck erect, right heron bent over; both with glass eyes, wire legs, metal crest feathers, carved and painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on right front of base.
  • 81.3.10
1177Herring Gull, Pair
  • Carving, Pair, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniatures; adults on driftwood attached to oblong green/black wooden base, right gull on toes, head down, wings and tail spread, left gull standing, wings folded; both with glass eyes, metal legs and feet, carved and painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on left of base.
  • 81.3.11
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; well mounted on right side of driftwood piece, head down and turned slightly left, wings raised, tail spread; glass eyes, lead feet, carved and painted detail. Signed "Gilley" on lower left of driftwood. Has loop for hanging.
  • 81.3.12
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature; adult well-mounted on driftwood base, similar to piece no. 81.3.11, perched on right side spur, head down and turned slightly left, wings raised, tail spread; glass eyes, metal feet. Has loop for hanging. Can be removed from base. Signed on lower left of driftwood.
  • 81.1.171
  • Carving, Miniature
  • People
Miniature; carved figure of bearded man with blue plaid scarf, white shirt, brown coat and trousers, wearing sou'wester; carved and painted detail, attached to square bottom base. Marked "by W.H. Gilley" on underside.
  • 81.1.172
  • Carving, Miniature
  • People
Miniature; carved figure of bearded man with pipe, wearing hat, red patterned scarf, light blue shirt, dark blue trousers, high block boots; attached to rectangular wooden base. Marked "by W.H. Gilley" on underside.
  • 81.1.80
1182Mallard Drake
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
Miniature swimming drake, muted colors, painted details, glass eyes, small lead loop, bent, near tail feathers. Underside signed, marked, dated ; "Gilley, Addie Gilley, 1940."
  • 81.1.135
1183Herring Gulls
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
3 miniature adults on driftwood base ; far left gull taking flight on toes, wings raised, beak agape; middle gull standing, wing partially raised, partially folded; right side gull standing, wings folded ; all with painted details, metal feet ; signed on side of base: "Gilley",
  • 81.1.101
1184Mallard Drake Box
  • Carving, Miniature
  • Birds
2 pieces. Miniature swimming adult with carved and painted detail attached to lid of varnished pine box. Underside of box marked "Made by W.H. Gilley, Southwest Harbor, Maine". Lid has screw head visible in center of underside.
  • 81.1.142
1185Scaled or Blue Quail, Hen
  • Carving, Almost Life-size
  • Birds
Hen standing on slice of driftwood, right foot forward, facing downward, crest erect, glass eyes, painted, carved, burned detail, metal legs and feet, signed on base, "Gilley '73," underside of base stamped "Wendell Gilley, Southwest Harbor, Maine, 04679, 'Scaled or Blue Quail (Hen)'."
  • 81.1.144
1186Sparrowhawk or Kestrel
  • Carving, Life-size
  • Birds
Life size adult male on driftwood piece mounted on oblong carved wooden base ; head turned over left shoulder, glass eyes, metal feet, carved, burned and painted detail, signed, dated on base "Gilley '77." Underside of base marked "Sparrow Hawk or Kestrel, Made for Addie Gilley, Wendell Gilley, 1977." Yellow paint on glass eyes, two screw heads visible on underside of base.
  • 81.1.125
1187White-Winged Scoter
  • Carving, Decoy
  • Birds
Oversize decoy made and used by Wendell Gilley and Roger Rich ; one of 24 made circa 1945. Head and body 2 separate pieces. Gilley made model, carved heads, Rich made bodies; decoys are hollow with removable, turnable heads on square oak pegs, do not swivel in water ; well defined shape with some painted detail, textured finish ; underside stamped "W.H. Gilley."
  • 81.1.126
1188White-Winged Scoter
  • Carving, Decoy
  • Birds
Oversize decoy made and used by Wendell Gilley and Roger Rich ; one of 24 made circa 1945. Head and body 2 separate pieces. Gilley made model, carved heads, Rich made bodies; decoys are hollow with removable, turnable heads on square oak pegs, do not swivel in water ; well defined shape with some painted detail ; smooth finish ; underside stamped "W.H. Gilley."
  • 81.1.127
1189White-Winged Scoter
  • Carving, Decoy
  • Birds
Oversize decoy made and used by Wendell Gilley and Roger Rich ; one of 24 made circa 1945. Head and body 2 separate pieces. Gilley made model, carved heads, Rich made bodies; decoys are hollow with removable, turnable heads on square oak pegs, do not swivel in water ; well defined shape with some painted detail, smooth finish ; underside stamped "W.H. Gilley."
  • 81.1.128a
1190White-Winged Scoter
  • Carving, Decoy
  • Birds
Oversize decoy made and used by Wendell Gilley and Roger Rich ; one of 24 made circa 1945. Head and body 2 separate pieces. Gilley made model, carved heads, Rich made bodies; decoys are hollow with removable, turnable heads on square oak pegs, do not swivel in water ; well defined shape with some painted detail ; smooth finish ; underside stamped "W.H. Gilley."
  • 81.1.128
1191White-Winged Scoter
  • Carving, Decoy
  • Birds
Oversize decoy made and used by Wendell Gilley and Roger Rich ; one of 24 made circa 1945. Head and body 2 separate pieces. Gilley made model, carved heads, Rich made bodies; decoys are hollow with removable, turnable heads on square oak pegs, do not swivel in water ; well defined shape with some painted detail ; underside stamped "W.H. Gilley."
  • 81.1.129
1192White-Winged Scoter
  • Carving, Decoy
  • Birds
Oversize decoy made and used by Wendell Gilley and Roger Rich ; one of 24 made circa 1945. Head and body 2 separate pieces. Gilley made model, carved heads, Rich made bodies; decoys are hollow with removable, turnable heads on square oak pegs, do not swivel in water ; well defined shape with some painted detail ; underside stamped "W.H. Gilley." Smooth finish.
  • 81.1.130
1193Surf Scoter
  • Carving, Decoy
  • Birds
Oversize decoy made and used by Wendell Gilley and Roger Rich ; one of 24 made circa 1945. Head and body 2 separate pieces. Gilley made model, carved heads, Rich made bodies; decoys are hollow with removable, turnable heads on square oak pegs, do not swivel in water ; well defined shape with some painted detail ; smooth finish, head has painted beak, white on top of head and nape, eyes carved in and painted ; underside stamped "W.H. Gilley." [show more]
  • 81.1.131
1194Common Scoter
  • Carving, Decoy
  • Birds
Oversize decoy made and used by Wendell Gilley and Roger Rich ; one of 24 made circa 1945. Head and body 2 separate pieces. Gilley made model, carved heads, Rich made bodies; decoys are hollow with removable, turnable heads on square oak pegs, do not swivel in water ; well defined shape with some painted detail ; underside stamped "W.H. Gilley." Smooth finish, all black body, head black, eye brown, black pupil, beak yellow/orange/blue-grey. [show more]
  • 81.1.132
1195White-Winged Scoter
  • Carving, Decoy
  • Birds
Oversize decoy made and used by Wendell Gilley and Roger Rich ; one of 24 made circa 1945. Head and body 2 separate pieces. Gilley made model, carved heads, Rich made bodies; decoys are hollow with removable, turnable heads on square oak pegs, do not swivel in water ; well defined shape with some painted detail ; smooth finish, black body, white wing patches, white patch by eye; underside stamped "W.H. Gilley."
1196Letter from James C. Collins to The Eider
  • Document, Correspondence
  • People
  • Object, Other Object, Decoys
Letter to the editor of the Wendell Gilley Museum's publication, The Eider, from James C. Collins after learning of Wendell Gilley's death
1197Letter to Wendell Gilley Museum from Isabel Thacher
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Birds
  • People
This letter describes three birds (a bobwhite, a yellowlegs, and a gull) carved by Wendell Gilley and owned by the letter writer, Isabel Thacher.
1198Letter from Steven C. Rockefeller to Members of the Wendell Gilley Museum Nominating Committee
  • Document, Correspondence
  • People
Letter concerning the proposed nomination of Arthur Rogers, Jr. for trustee of the museum by Jim Wallis
1199Letter to Mrs. Otis D. Wolfe from Steven C. Rockefeller
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Object, Art
  • People
Letter to the donor of a bronze sculpture by Walther Matia in memory of Foster Whitlock . The letter thanks her for her donation of the sculpture to the museum and describes the dedication ceremony.
1200Letter from Raymond L. Stearns to Nina Gormley
  • Document, Correspondence
  • People
Letter to the Museum Director about sending the museum copies of letters received from Wendell Gilley. Enclosed are two letters by Wendell Gilley to Mr. Stearns.
1201Letter from Wendell Gilley to Raymond L. Stearns
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Birds
Letter acknowledging return of a bob-white carving as well as discussion of solder and advice on where to get bass wood. Also included are sketches of the leg and foot of a Canada goose.
1202Letter to Raymond L. Stearns from Wendell Gilley
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Carvings
  • People
Written on museum letterhead, this letter describes the opening of the Wendell Gilley Museum and mentions Wendell Gilley's donation of his carvings to the museum
1203Letter to Nina Gormley from Norman Ashley Willock
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Carvings
  • Birds
Letter concerning the packing and shipping of a pintail duck carving commissioned from Wendell Gilley by Norman Willock and returned to the museum for repair.
1204Letter to Nina Gormley from Lucretia W. Evans
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Other, Literature
This letter expresses Lucretia Evans' intention to donate her copy of Wendell Gilley's book Bird Carving, a Guide to a Fascinating Hobby, which she believed might be a first edition.
1205Letter to Wendell H. Gilley from Donal C. O'Brien, Jr.
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Carvings
This letter acknowledges receipt of a letter and chisel from Gilley, and discusses various carvings including a spotted sandpiper on a mussel shell and two pairs of quail
1206Letter to Wendell H. Gilley from Donal C. O'Brien, Jr.
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Other, Literature
This letter discusses correspondence between Wendell Gilley and Byron Cheever, author and magazine publisher, about Gilley's book. The author of the letter makes suggestions about paper and cover art and discusses copyright.